We did a garage sale!
“Overwhelmed and humbled and excited” is how I would describe the past two weeks.
There was an idea of a yard sale where we would accept community donations of items to sell with all money going into the Ben Smiles Memorial Fund. We took in so many donations that were initially stored in my garage, then expanded into my living room, then my dining room and eventually my front hallway and entry. Whew! I wasn’t sure that it would all make it into the sale but somehow it did!
Ben's bro and sis manning the bake sale
I’ve done yard sales before where you hope that you have a good turnout but then you don’t. Sales are a lot of work without many results, most of the time. This time was different. I was nervous the morning of the first day because I just wanted to have a good turnout. I wanted all the community donations to mean something and to help us make a difference. Over the course of the two days we had so many people come and shop, ask about our foundation, support our cause, offer words of support and encouragement, and many in addition to their purchases made an additional donation. I couldn’t have been happier with how it all worked out.
And because of this sale, I met some wonderful people:
· A St Charles resident with a promotional t-shirt business who offered to do the shirts for a great price.
· A mom with a similar story to mine who wrote a special note and gave us a generous donation
· An educator who supports philanthropic groups with her students and offered a fundraising event this coming school year.
I’d like to thank everyone who offered support, donated or who was involved in any way but this sale wouldn’t have happened without the help of these guys:
Elaine and Grace McClure – Elaine was my right hand in getting donations, doing pickups (because her vehicle is larger than mine!), manning the sale and just being an all-around awesome and great support and friend.
Lisa Olinger – “Mrs. Lisa” (which she will always be known as in my house) was the boys’ preschool teacher. Doing the sale was originally her idea – she has endless energy, loves to stay busy and I’m not sure I saw her sit down the entire three days she was at our house, helping with every aspect of the sale.
Pat Sparks – my momma who just came for a visit without realizing what she was in for – this sale dominated practically her entire two-week visit. She baked all the goods, made the lemonade and served as our cashier at the sale.
When all was said and done, I was able to share Ben’s story, talk about the foundation and build awareness of our goals, make some meaningful connections and raise over $2100 for the fund!
Part of Ben's Team .... missing: Elaine & Grace McClure